


Lead Strategist
Creative direction

Rethinking Canada’s once flagship brand.

At the dawn of the smartphone, BlackBerry was the dominant force and had a stronghold of the marketshare. As years passed, new competitors began to emerge and over time their product offering took a pivot. While their brand is still recognized as a smartphone company by consumers, the reality is they actually license to third party production. Today, BlackBerry is a leader in enterprise software and security.

As the business shifted and the website took shape, it offered a lot of content but was difficult to navigate and understand. Visually it lacked consistency, and with endless brands and products represented, it was a real challenge for users to get an understanding of what was being offered, or find specific information they were searching.

The goal was to re-establish BlackBerry to a tier-1 brand, with bold positioning, a clear product offering, distinct visual expression and an enhanced user experience.

The Strategy

Alignment to strategic foundations

  • Develop standardized approach to page development
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Meet accessibility guidelines
  • Implementation across BlackBerry business units
  • Organize content so it’s easy for the user to understand and navigate
  • Visual queues for content types to help identify what type of page the user is on
  • Optimize content structure to educate user while directing them to actionable outcomes
  • Standardized layouts & web parts
  • Built in flexibility
The Strategy

User path

  • A focus on simplicity
  • A clear structure, moderate visual clues and easily recognizable targets
  • Focus user’s attention to relevant content
  • Make use of effective writing
  • Facilitate user engagement
  • Clear calls to action
The Strategy

Standardize how content is presented

  • Better organized content
  • Ensure content is accessible and easily digestible
  • Create consistency in what information is presented
  • Visual cohesiveness site wide


  • Clean, light imagery with purpose
  • Product, lifestyle & contextual imagery
  • Natural lit, cool temperature and small depth of field
  • Abstract images to convey concepts
  • Gradient overlay on header images


  • Colourized iconography
  • Highlighted feature with a darker tone

Page headers

  • 444 px height for standard pages
  • 700 px height for Product pages

Reusable web parts & layouts

  • Consistent approach to how to display content
  • Interchangeable components
  • Quick development
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Multi-device responsive
  • Accessibility compliant

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